I didn't feel quite ready to move on with all my San Marcos memories and images, so here is a picture show of my time there at a glance:
Arriving at the docks is a small, quiet endeavor. There are no streets near the lake. You might get greeted by some jewelery makers with tables trying to sell their goods. Or just a few people ready to hop on your boat which is heading to San Pedro.
Follow signs. Ask. Check out places you come across. Eventually you'll come to the right place, wherever that is. The directions in the guide books just say "follow the sign past so and so." The trails are slender and through forest, banana trees and homes.
There are two main trails. One along the school, which was made with the help of a local NGO that puts on skits about social issues and helped construct the the buildings which have walls made of plastic soda bottles filled with sand and covered in concrete. The school is bilingual in Spanish and Kaqchikel.

The first night I stayed at La Paz, which has a gorgeous outdoor yoga studio. I give thanks to Amanda, the yoga instructor from New Hampshire who lead a group of us one morning. We shared our love of New England and how there were moments when you might think you were looking across Lake Champlain at the Adirondacks.
Constant reminders of the mystic, meditative themes of San Marcos. Namaste.
Time to smell the flowers. Time to slow down and notice the small wanders of the world. Love the exploratory gnat watching me as I watched it...
I also give thanks to Tanya, a lovely free spirit that sat and shared with me. She reminded me that life is all an exchange of love. Sounds a little hokey, AND it was just what I needed. She told me to walk to the rocks for a swim...which are just beyond Aaculaax through narrow paths.
The magic of the rocks. I went there every morning and evening.
On my way out of San Marcos, I stopped for breakfast and decided to check out a room at Posado Schuman. And, I stayed one more night.
With a little private deck, a dock over the water, a little sitting area by the lake and a $10 private room, I couldn't resist. The above is the lush view from my room...along with a Maya sauna bottom left.
As always, Miriam finds time for a hard workout. This is a tiny, CLEAN gym in San Marcos. I was the only person there. It was so unbelievably lovely! (Yes, that's me in the mirror on the bike.)
Back to the water I was drawn. Again and again. Multiple times a day. Just to sit. Just to watch. Just to be.
The private dock of Posado Schuman was my favorite place to sit. Morning, noon and night. Rain, candle light, mist.
Back to the water I went. Little San Marcos. Big San Marcos. Back to the water I went.