Sunday, April 11, 2010

Xela, Guatemala

Greetings! I made it to Quetzaltenango, more commonly known as Xela (pronounced shay-la). It is the land of the Quetzal bird, hence the name. And the former Maya name was Xelaju, hence the nickname for the place.

It's big. My host family is sweet. It's mostly a grandmother with a miniature poodle that is while and named Diana. I'm not sure if anyone else lives in the house, but I know she has five children and eight grandchildren and many of them come to visit daily. I live on the third's a slender house with three floors. My room is among the roof with the laundry and where the dog eats. I love the privacy and the immense morning light that comes pouring in, especially in the morning.

So, yes. It's a big city that will take some time to get smaller and get  used to. One day at a time. This is my home for at least the next week...perhaps the next three months.
Xela taken from a nearby mountain hike.
My room with my host family. Simple. Yellow. Sunny. Soft bed. Might have bed bugs-hopefully not...ugghhh!
My rooftop balcony. It's kind of like camping out. There's a constant breeze, but I have the privilege of lights and plugs and a kind of dirty bathroom downstairs:) I'll get used to it, I hope.

My morning alarm clock. I woke up at 5:30am with pure white light and birds singing songs of sweetness. I think my routine will be an early exercise regime, and home it's unsafe to walk after dark, which is 6:30pm. How things are a changing!

1 comment:

  1. Toasting marshmallows on volcanic vents. Picking good hostels from bad. Moving into a sweet roof-top spot in an exotic city. It may be true that the worst day traveling is better than a good day at home.

    Glad to hear things are staying interesting. Your new digs look like as close to paradise as you could get in the midst of a huge city.

    Be well, stay safe, and look on the bright side. I hear the bed bugs don't hang out on the bright side....

    Actually, I just mad that up. I hear bed bugs are pretty nasty. If you encounter them, don't bring anything home to the states with you.

    Keep well,
