There is a list for every season. A must do or must see. Summers in Vermont are short and this year because I was in Guatemala for half of it, it's shorter than normal.
Summers are my favorite time of year. They have been my whole life. Don't get me wrong, there is a magic in every season.
Go swimming, pick blueberries, see a concert in the park, have a picnic by the lake, go camping, hike Camel's Hump, Hike Mount Mansfield, find a new place to hike, bike to the causeway...these are most of the must do's for my summer list.

Bike to the causeway became the topic of discussion as we enjoyed one of the various perfect days on Lake Champlain. And, we reminded ourselves that every time we bike to the causeway...the 25 mile round trip ride from our house, the last portion of the ride, the portion on the causeway, is...well, unpleasant. If there is no wind, it means that there are swarms of bugs different size and shape getting into your eyes, your hair (yes, through your helmet), and down your shirt. Oh, also into your mouth. I've eaten a few. If it is windy, the ride is a challenge that becomes tedious and unpleasant. Because the whole way you are riding to the end, you know that you are going to have to turn around and come back through the insane wind.

Together, we decided that our ride with our friend Adam in his boat to the causeway meant we "rode to the causeway." No bugs. No insane wind to fight through...instead, the ride consisted of the best swim of the summer, good conversation, and relaxation.
Check. Off the list. It's good to stay open about things and think outside the box...and, if I end up out there on my bike, it will be in September once the bugs have gone home for the season.
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