Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day Four: Strangeness and Truth

I woke up exhausted, terrified, confused, and honestly thinking that I might be cursed. Sitting at the breakfast table with the sun on my face and the turqoise pool surrounding us my mom looked at me and said, "Honey, you look aweful. Did you sleep alright."

Our eating area at Villas Archeologica in Coba. We always chose the corner table, if possible.

That's when I let it all out. I told her about the dreams. I reminded her that I dreamt about getting pushed down Nohach Mul pyramid. The blood. Hearing the noises in the room coming from the door. That once I heard the muffled scratches, I was up for the rest of the night.

When I told her about the noises, she started laughing. If she hadn't immediately started explaining the laughter, I might have cried. Luckily, the situation made my tired eyes fill with tears of laughter instead.

"Oh dear. I bet you heard me in the middle of the night. John was snoring so loud, even with my hood up and hands over my ears I couldn't sleep. I was so desperate and dilerious that I crawled into the closets to try to muffle his tremendous snoring. I moved a blanket and pillow in and tried to close the doors from the inside. I know it sounds crazy. I was crazy. It happend three nights in a row. I'm so tired I can't think straight."

Relief eased into my body, which made me even more tired. Thank God there wasn't a little Maya girl trying to get in to get me in the middle of the night. I wouldn't have been able to handle that. The thankfulness I felt toward my mother was unexplainable. 

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